Discover Rockway – Open House

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Come and DISCOVER what ROCKWAY is all about!

Join us to learn about Rockway’s Grade 7&8 program and/or the Grade 9-12 program. There is much for you and your family to discover about Rockway!

What to expect during Discover Rockway:

  • 6:45 pm   North doors open – arrival and registration
  • 7:00 pm   Program begins in the Assembly Area
    • Meet our Principal, hear from a current student and parent and listen to our Senior Choir 
  • 7:20 pm   Discovery Fair & Refreshments
    • This part of the evening is for you to:
      • explore our campus independently (or as part of a guided tour if you prefer)
      • talk with subject-specific teachers one on one
      • take part in one of the many hands-on activities various subjects
      •  talk with current students, parents and teachers and ask the questions most important to you in order to DISCOVER ROCKWAY for your family