Our Story

In 1945, the Mennonite Conference of Ontario envisioned a school that would prepare students for a rapidly changing world.

A school that would teach the Anabaptist values of peacebuilding, instill a sense of community among its students and prepare them to be difference makers in the world. Amidst a world that has changed dramatically, Rockway has stayed true to its Anabaptist values and commitment to preparing students to understand their role as a contributing global citizen.

Who We Are

Our Mission & Vision

As a Christian educational community within the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition, Rockway Mennonite Collegiate integrates sound academic learning with growth in character and faith, together with a passion for peacemaking and service to God and all creation. Our vision is to:

  • offer holistic, inclusive education grounded in Christian values and the Anabaptist tradition in partnership with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, area churches and local faith-based organizations. 
  • foster students’ spiritual development, in particular through our Religious Studies and Chapel programs, using the teachings of Jesus to help students lead responsible, globally-minded, compassionate, reflective lives. 
  • be faithful to the schools’ Anabaptist/Mennonite heritage by highlighting the history of the global church and emphasizing the Anabaptist values of justice, peace and integrity.
  • equip students to discern values in the world, in order to responsibly participate and lead in their church, community and global society.
  • enable students to weigh educational, lifestyle, vocational and voluntary service choices that offer healing and hope in a world of disparities.
  • offer a program of academic excellence recognized by both the Ministry of Education and institutions of higher learning.
  • inspire academic achievement in order to broaden, enrich and challenge students’ learning and world-view.
  • foster a stimulating and safe school environment where students, faculty and staff reconcile individual freedom with mutual accountability and learn a wholesome respect for self and others.
  • enrich classroom learning with diverse extracurricular opportunities for participation and leadership development.

Our Core Values

At Rockway, we are grounded in Christian values from a Mennonite perspective, while respecting the diversity of faith experiences amongst our students. We seek to equip students to discern the values that will guide them as they participate and lead in their communities, churches and global society.

Annual General Meeting

Every November, Rockway presents a reflection of the previous year for all our churches and their members, our donors, alumni and other stakeholders who have a vested interest in our school. Rockway’s Annual General Meeting is a great time to meet leadership, faculty and staff,  review the happenings of the previous school year and learn about the current school year.

For information about our upcoming Annual General Meeting, please visit: www.rockway.ca/events


Where We Came From

Our History

On February 15, 1945, delegates from The Mennonite Conference of Ontario, now part of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, voted in favour of opening a new Mennonite high school. With seven months to plan, they went to work and hired the schools first Principal, Harold Groh (pictured right) and secured a 14-acre plot of land located close to the Rockery (now Rockway Gardens). A fundraising goal of $50,000 was quickly set and the community went to work in making alterations to the existing house and barn to accommodate the first group of students. Rockway’s first teacher, Salome Bauman, was also hired to guide the academic program.

And so Rockway was born; 27 students crowded into the grade 9 room and 11 students into grade 10 that first year. School life was closely monitored and extracurricular activities were closely regulated. A devotional committee was struck, the student newspaper was called “Classroom echoes,” a social committee began and instead of custodians, students had to clean that facility. Boys swept, washed blackboards, emptied ashes from the furnace; girls waited on tables, washed and dried dishes, peeled vegetables and cleaned the dorm area on the second floor.

Overriding all of the logistics of both opening and operating the school, was the underlying vision and mission of Rockway. Rockway’s founders desired a school that would provide a strong academic and faith education while also creating opportunities for students to grow in character and understand their ability to positively impact the world around them.

These ideals still ring true today.

What We Envision

Student & Graduate Vision

From a Christian Mennonite faith perspective and in partnership with families and congregations, we are committed to walk with students to help form their learning, character and faith. Our desire is that students and graduates will learn, grow in faith and build character as they practise virtues that demonstrate the best of who they are. With grace, we will walk with students as they practise becoming responsible, globally-minded, compassionate and reflective learners. We refer to these as the four pillars:

  • Responsible – Faculty/Staff teach with purpose and passion; students learn to demonstrate academic self-discipline, focus and determination.
  • Globally-MindedFaculty/Staff open the world to their students, modelling hospitality and love; students learn from the experiences and perspectives of others, alongside seeking opportunities for cross-cultural learning and friendships.
  • Compassionate Faculty/Staff build safe, nurturing and stimulating classes for learning; students learn to work together and collaborate with others.
  • Reflective Faculty/Staff model their Christian faith commitment and help their students engage and reflect on questions and convictions that matter; students are encouraged to ask questions and seek to align life choices and faith convictions.

LEADing Rockway into the Future: Rockway’s Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Rockway’s latest Strategic Plan: LEADing into the Future 2021-2025 (Updated Version) was first introduced at the November 2021 Annual General Meeting. The vision was led by previous principal, Ann L. Schultz ‘84 and her Administrative Team. Subsequently under the leadership of principal, Elaine Ranney, the Strategic Plan Implementation Team prioritised the 64 key deliverables outlined in the plan and provided oversight and guidance for the work ahead. This work will be carried by current principal, Josh Hill and the administrative team.