Stay Connected

We’re here to help you stay connected with the Rockway community. If you regularly receive communications from us and you just need to quickly update your information, you can do that in the Contact Information Update form. If you want to know more about how much and how we communicate, read on!

Contact Information Update Form

By filling out or updating the Contact Information form, you are helping us stay connected with you with your expressed consent. Rockway does not sell, share or trade your contact information and will be in touch with you only with Rockway related information that may be of interest to you. Should your preferences change, you can easily unsubscribe from our contact list by reaching us by phone (519-743-5209 x3011) or by email ( 

Alumni Transcript Request

How to request your transcript

Rockway is here to help! If you need your transcript sent to a post-secondary institution, a future employer or you just want it for your own personal use, please use our Rockway Alumni Transcript Request form to let us know. There is a $20 administrative fee, and may be additional courier or postage costs. 

Email Communication

Alumni Announcements

At the end of each month, we send an Alumni Announcement email which gives a brief overview of what has happened at Rockway that month, shares details about upcoming event information and provides links to things like our Reflections newsletter. Should your preferences change, you can easily unsubscribe from our email contact list ( 

Occasionally, we’ll send a second email in a month when something important comes up, but we do our very best to limit our communication so that you don’t feel inundated with Rockway emails. 

Online Engagement

Join us on Social Media!

Want to get real-time updates about what is happening at school?

Follow our two Rockway pages on Facebook:

Follow us on Instagram where we also have two accounts: 

Curious about employment opportunities or want to connect with other Alumni in your work world?
Check us out on LinkedIn and make connections within the Rockway community. 

Need a quick break to enjoy some wholesome videos?
Visit our growing YouTube channel. Here you’ll watch all-school videos that feature, well, the whole school, as well as other fun videos that feature our fun faculty & staff. Watch over and over!