Grade 9-12 Program

At Rockway, we challenge and inspire our students to learn, grow in faith and build character. As they become grounded in values and develop critical thinking skills, our students are equipped for success.

Rockway’s nurturing school environment prepares students to become responsible, globally-minded, compassionate and reflective learners whose futures are filled with purpose and impact. Here, students experience a sense of belonging and community which is foundational to their academic achievement.

We invite you to take some time to learn what makes the grade 9-12 Rockway Experience unique from other schools.

The Rockway Experience

Grade 9-12 Academic Program

Rockway offers a longer instructional day and a unique five period schedule that benefits students. All grade 9-12 students have the opportunity to take five, 75 minute classes a day. Period 1 offers optional elective credit courses as well as non-credit activities (SPARK) and space for quiet study for all students. 

In addition to offering the required OSSD courses and Rockway Diploma to its students, Rockway offers a more enriched and dynamic learning environment than you will find in most schools. Our graduates are not merely ready for the real world, but are committed to building a better world

Grade 9-12 Arts, Athletics & Robotics

A typical Rockway student – in any grade – may play on a school team, perform in a music ensemble, contribute to the Art Exhibition, participate in a school play (either on stage or behind the scenes) and/or take part in Rockway Robotics. Our coaches, directors and teachers work together to balance schedules and ensure that Rockway students get involved, try new things and above all, have a well-rounded Rockway Experience. 

Rockway students lead an enriched Arts life, having the opportunity to get involved in Visual Arts, Drama and Music in all grades. In addition to in-class study, Rockway offers a variety of opportunities to take skills development to the next level through events like our Visual Arts Exhibition, Christmas and Spring Music Concerts, our Grade 7 & 8 and Grade 9-12 Dramas, plus our All-School Musical every three years.

Whether you are playing a pick-up game in the gym at lunch time or competing on a school team, Rockway values the student athlete and their contributions to our school. Our Grade 9-12 teams compete locally in the District 8 (D8) league ( and often represent D8 in CWOSSA ( and OFSAA ( in a variety of sports that include and are not limited to: Alpine Skiing, Badminton, Basketball, Cross Country, Volleyball etc.

Students involved in Rockway Robotics hone their technical abilities in building and coding robots. They also gain valuable experience in business management, fundraising, sponsorship, marketing and communications. Robotics is offered as a class to grade 9 students and they help facilitate an in-school competition for the grade 7 and 8 Robotics teams.

Grade 9

Grade 9 Timetable, Course Information and Program Highlights

Course Information

Rockway’s Grade 9 program is very unique to other high schools in the area. In our period 1 class, we offer optional elective courses (alternating instrumental music and another elective) as well as non-credited activities (SPARK) and space for quiet study or working on homework with friends or a teacher. Students not participating in an elective course, SPARK or quiet study during period 1 will start their day at 9:15 am with period 2.

In addition to the required OSSD courses, all grade 9 Rockway students participate in Physical Education (PE) and Vocal Music all year long. Why?

Rockway values physical education and healthy living – both body and mind. A traditional view of Phys. Ed. classes suggest that students develop skills and techniques needed for team or individual sports. However, Rockway knows that Phys. Ed. classes can do so much more. Students can also build necessary skills to cope with stress and anxiety as well as improve habits to instil movement/physical activity in their daily lives, all of which contribute to a healthy self-body image and positive mental health. The perk of everyone taking Phys. Ed. means that those students who thought they would “never make it” because they “weren’t good enough” soon find that Phys. Ed gave them confidence in their technical skills to try out (and often make it) for school sports.

Rockway’s music program is integral to our vision of an excellent, well-rounded learning experience. We believe young people need to develop a love (or at least, an appreciation) of singing and a sensitivity for how music touches our lives every day. As a Mennonite school, students, faculty and staff sing hymns during chapel twice a week and our music chapels are the highlight for many. It is also amazing to see every year, how many students who claimed they “don’t like music” end up taking it for the rest of their high school experience. As a small school, it is very common to watch students sing in the choir during chapel and then see those same students playing on a court afterschool in a volleyball or basketball game. At Rockway, it is not sports OR music, it’s AND.

  • Fall Retreat plus a variety of field trips throughout the year 
  • Rockway Athletics (Team Sports)
    • Junior – Grades 9 & 10 
  • Rockway Robotics 
  • Drama 
    • Grade 9-12 Production 
    • All-School Musical 
    • leadership opportunities for the Grade 7&8 Drama
  • Dances and other in-school activities planned by Student Council
  • Christmas Banquet
  • Christmas and Spring Concerts 
    • Grade 9 Choir (all grade 9 students form the choir) 
    • String or Wind Ensembles
  • May Trips Week
    • multi-day excursion to Five Oaks Retreat Centre

Grades 10-12

Grade 10-12 Timetable, Course Information and Program Highlights

*Rockway’s period 1 class is unique to our school. We offer optional elective music courses (alternating instrumental and vocal days) as well as non-credited activities (SPARK) and space for quiet study or working on homework with friends or a teacher. Students not choosing to participate in music, SPARK or quiet study during period 1 will start their day at 9:15 am with period 2.

Course Information

Rockway offers a wide variety of required and elective courses for our students.  

  • Fall Retreat for each grade level to get to know their peers 
  • Rockway Athletics (Team Sports) 
    • Junior – Grades 9 & 10
    • Senior – Grades 11 & 12
  • Student Council positions available for Grade 11 and 12 students
  • Rockway Robotics
  • Christmas Banquet
  • Dances and other in-school activities planned by Student Council
  • Drama 
    • Grade 9-12 Production 
    • All-School Musical 
    • leadership opportunities for the Grade 7&8 Drama
  • May Trips Week
    • Grade 10 – Quebec City 
    • Grade 11 – Overnight Leadership Experience 
    • Grade 12 – Retreat and Graduation planning  

Ministry of Education Requirements

The Ontario Secondary School Diploma and The Rockway Diploma

Rockway Mennonite Collegiate is fully accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Education and awards the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The Rockway Experience encourages students to earn a Rockway Diploma as well. While the OSSD honours the hard work and commitment to learning that students put forth in their classes, the Rockway Diploma recognizes the additional volunteer hours and academic coursework  that specifically aligns with Rockway’s values of service and contribution to the greater community.

  • 30 credits (18 compulsory, 12 elective)
  • 40 Community Service Hours

OSSD requirements plus

  • 20 additional  Community Service Hours (total of 60) 
  • 2 Religious Studies courses in Grades 9 &10 
  • Grade 11 World Religions, or Grade 12 Philosophy, Challenge and Change or Grade 12 World Issues courses
  • Youth Leading Change: Community Peacebuilding Certificate
  • Create a strong foundation for a life-long journey of faith formation and character building
  • Training in peacebuilding skills
  • Positive addition to scholarship applications and resumes
  • Earn a $500 scholarship from Canadian Mennonite University (Winnipeg)