Connections Homecoming Night

Connections Homecoming is coming soon! This annual family-friendly event welcomes all of Rockway - alumni & friends, current families, faculty & staff - HOME for a night of food, fun and festivities.

We will update this page with more information in the coming weeks.

Spaghetti Supper

Friday, October 18, 2024

5 - 7 pm (Gym A)

Spaghetti Supper

This fundraising meal will feed your soul as well as your belly. Whether you’re a herbivore or omnivore, GF or DF, there will be food for you!

More information about cost and pre-ordering is on it’s way…

Alumni Sports Challenge

Friday, October 18, 2024

7:15 - 9:30 pm (Gym BC)

Whether you’re a player or a participant, this is always an exciting highlight to our Homecoming Night. 

Alumni – stay tuned for more information about how to join one of the teams!