Trust for the Journey: Chapel theme 2017

Posted on: August 18th, 2017

Rockway students, faculty and staff gather twice a week for chapels. These community gatherings give shape to the core of our school’s identity and mission to “form faith and build character.” Chapels create the opportunity for teachers, students, alumni and guests to reflect on their faith journeys, how they see the world, and their place in it.

This year’s Chapel theme, Trust for the Journey, was developed by our student worship team as a way to explore how faith connects to the daily lives of our students. Students tried to imagine how they saw God working in the midst of all these pressures and expectations.

The image of the compass came to mind.

Compasses give us direction, but they do not guide us every step of the way; they provide a rough outline of which way to turn in the wilderness, though miles of rocky crags, deep running rivers, and thick brush may lie ahead. The compass points the way to our destination, but it is up to us to walk the journey. The compass is not a free-pass or a solution to every problem, but it is constant. It holds course and keeps us from losing our way as we struggle on our journey.

Teens are explorers and adventures. Throughout their time at Rockway, they are discovering the world and themselves, pushing the edges and clearing the way for new paths. Outdated ideas need to be challenged and explored by the generation of today. New trails may need to be blazed as we attempt to follow God’s path in a changing world. The compass gives us a lifeline, providing the direction onward.

How we make that path will be up to us. We must take each step, and trust!

