Off to a Great Start…

Posted on: September 9th, 2017

One of the many things I value about teaching at Rockway is how we do beginnings. The start of a school year can be tumultuous, however Rockway is very intentional about giving both their teachers and students a solid start – grounding us in our mission, and providing us with the tools we need to be effective both academically and interpersonally.

What does a great start look like? Here are some snapshots of this year.

Eating Together: Before students are even thinking of school, Rockway staff & faculty were gathering together to dream and plan. Here we are picnicing (and laughing!) together at Rockway Gardens.


Learning together: Our pre-school meetings include lots of intentional professional development for the heart, mind, and soul. Highlights this year included a session on Mindfulness/Resilience in the classroom and continued IBL (Inquiry-Based Learning) training.


Welcoming together: The Kick Start BBQ provides a chance for us to meet and get to know students who are brand new to Rockway. It’s a key event for students making the major transition to a new school community. Here we are being welcomed by our Student Council presidents.


Singing together: Our opening chapels help set the tone for the year – we sing, we listen, we pray together as a community. Here we are singing about our theme for this year: Trust for the Journey.


Planning together: Our Student Council spends an entire day in retreat dreaming up special events for our community. Here they are (looking a little chilled!) as they do their planning and develop as leaders.


And there’s more to come!

Our great start continues with a few key events:

Family Welcome NightSept. 14th, 7 pm. Parents are invited for an evening of connection.

Student Council LunchSept. 18th, lunch time. The food trucks are coming! And so is the bouncy castle! This student-led event is designed to help students get to know each other and mingle with people in other grades.

I feel blessed as a teacher to be able to serve the Rockway community, and am so very grateful for this great start to the year.

Sara Wahl, Rockway Teacher since 2003


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