Senior Graduation 2018

Posted on: June 30th, 2018

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

This was the graduation theme for the Rockway Graduating Class of 2018 which took place on Saturday, June 23, 2018. Thirty-nine graduates walked the stage and received their Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Of those, fourteen also received the Rockway Diploma, an additional honor based on Religious Studies credits earned and additional Community Service committed.

The Rockway Graduating Class of 2018 is a diverse group of young adults, who will embark on university, college, gap years including victory laps, working and travelling. They include both extroverts and introverts, academics, athletes, musicians; they are ambitious, motivated, somewhat competitive and they have a strong desire to be successful and have an impact on the future. We are grateful for the valuable and vital contributions they have made to the Rockway community!

Tanya Dyck Steinmann, pastor of East Zorra Mennonite Church, wife to Rockway’s technology teacher and parent to a 2018 grad presented the grad address entitled, “Time of Your Life.” Dyck Steinmann acknowledged that at times it is difficult to find one’s way and the path has many twists and turns. She stated, “There are times when you will feel ill-equipped for the task and times you will find yourself at a loss – but never forget that each one of you has a mission, a specific contribution to make in this world. The problems of the world may feel enormous and threatening but that is exactly why the world needs you.” She talked about Jesus, and the challenge he gave us to not give in to the darkness and hate that we see around us. She challenged the grads to summon up their courage and stand up against it. “You have been given limited time on this earth – what you do with your time matters.”

Dyck Steinmann’s final words included:

“Graduating Class of 2018:

We send you with our love on this great life mission.

Resist the power of the ring and wield your sword.

The world needs you.

You are the unsung heroes of our time.”

Rockway Graduations are one of my most favorite events of the year. They are a beautiful mix of formality and celebration. The Graduation Service twins together the acknowledgement of an academic achievement, couched in worship, and the Graduation Banquet allows for more of a celebration of the overall Rockway experience, including a formal induction into the Rockway Alumni.

On behalf of Rockway’s Board of Directors, Faculty and Staff, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the graduates! It is our hope that as their experience here of “Forming Faith and Building Character” will platform them successfully as they embark on new challenges and opportunities!

Ann L. Schultz


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