Breathing Space

Posted on: August 30th, 2018

As you move into a time of new schedules, fresh notebooks, homework and juggling multiple activities, it would be wise to consider how to meet this annual transition time with resilience.

When your days get busier,
how do you build enough space into your days
to make time for a level of self-care
that can prevent burnout?

Defensive drivers know that leaving space between their vehicle and the one in front of them is key for their safety and the safety of others. Driving factors that can impact safety include speed, attention and, unknown external factors.


September days speed up significantly with the addition of new deadlines and due dates, meetings and extra-curriculars. When things speed up this significantly, even more space needs to be in place in advance. Where can you add moments of quiet in each day? What can you say ‘no’ to now before the busyness begins?


Distraction is an unconscious habit developed to avoid discomfort and can lead to devastating consequences in driving or in life. Before your school days get out-of-control, can you practice paying attention to one thing at a time right now? Can you practice keeping your attention on one thing at a time even when it’s uncomfortable?

Unknown External Factors

Just like drivers can’t always predict bad weather, the inconsiderate actions of other drivers or some unexpected obstacle that shows up around a curve in the road, you can’t always have control over what your day will reveal. Leaving space in your day gives you the flexibility to pause, take a deep breath, consider your response and creatively confront any obstacle that comes up.

Consider intentionally scheduling more breathing space into your day as a vital self-care strategy as you begin a brand new school year!