Community Events at Rockway


Events Schedule

30  KickStart Welcome 

    First Day of School
12   Family Welcome Night
24   Performance of Civilized


    Family Breakfast
18   Connections Homecoming Night
18   Online Connections Auction Begins
27   Online Connections Auction Ends

     Discover Rockway
20  Annual General Meeting, ZOOM 

   Christmas Concert, location TBA

1     Registration opens for Rockway’s 30th
       Annual Golf Classic 
14  Founders’ Day Celebration
26  All-School Musical, Preview Matinee
27  All-School Musical, Opening Night
28  All-School Musical, Evening show

   All-School Musical, Matinee
      All-School Musical, Closing Nigh

  Grade 7-12 Visual Arts Exhibition
15  Grade 7-12 Information Night

21  Spring Concert (Grade 7&8, Grade 9-12)
26  Rockway’s 30th Annual Golf Classic 

  Family Picnic & Outdoor Movie Night
19  Grade 8 Graduation 
21  Grade 12 Graduation 

Upcoming Events


Sept 24, 2024, 7 pm

As part of our Truth and Reconciliation week, Rockway is hosting an evening performance of CIVILIZED. Seating is limited. Rockway students are FREE. Please click to learn more and to purchase/reserve tickets.

Family Welcome Night

Sept 12, 2024

It’s time to kick-off the school year during our Family Welcome Night! Rockway students and their family/ household are encouraged to attend. Never had a Rockway Cookie? This is your chance! 

Connections Homecoming Night

Friday, October 18, 2024

SAVE THE DATE! Our annual Spaghetti Supper fundraiser with Alumni Sports Challenge will be here before you know it. Stay tuned for more information…

Christmas Concert

Decebmer 2

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Discover Rockway

November 7, 7 pm

Join us and DISCOVER ROCKWAY for your family!

Prospective families will be able to hear from a current parent and student, talk with teachers one on one, take a tour of our campus and so much more!  

Founders Day Activities

September 1, 2024

Event text goes here. Event text goes here. Event text goes here. Event text goes here. Event text goes here. Event text goes here. 

KickStart Welcome

August 30, 2024

Welcome all NEW TO ROCKWAY students and families! This event is especially for you to help ease your start to a new school. Please take a moment to RSVP for your specific grade. See you August 30!