Chapel Theme 2023-2024

Posted on: September 7th, 2023

At Rockway, we are deeply grateful for the time and space to attend to our spiritual growth as a community in our chapel program.

This year we want to explore three key questions that help us think about our purpose in the world: Who am I? What is unique about me? How do I live this out in the world?

Another way to ask these questions is to reflect on the idea of “calling.” Calling is an interesting word; author and teacher Chris Steadman describes it this way:

A calling blossoms when you see a need in the world that aligns with your passions, and you dive into addressing it head first. This can happen whether you’re an artist or a social worker or a business owner, whether you’re young or old, and whether you believe in God or not.

This year we’ll explore this idea through the lens of the prophet Micah. Micah asks his community “ …what does [God] require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).

Micah is getting at the very core of what it means to live in God’s way; to choose to ground the purpose of our lives in ways that bring goodness and wholeness to everyone.

For Christians, this is the way of Jesus, and it’s both personal, and political. It’s seeing who we are and our purpose in new ways, and it’s about how we live out our lives in our community and our world. For Anabaptist Mennonites, this way is grounded in a spirit of reconciliation.

In our chapels this year, we are invited to consider our everyday lives through this lens. We can ask this question of calling whether we’re atheist, religious, or somewhere in between. And the more we do this, the more we understand who we are and what we are –  and grow into our unique purpose in the world.

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