A German Feast

Posted on: April 13th, 2016


The grade 11 German class enjoyed a traditional German potluck dinner together. Each student brought in samples of a typical German food that they had researched and prepared for the class. And what a feast it was!
20160329_112222We enjoyed “Apfel-Schorle” (a mixture of apple juice and Mineralwasser) for our drink. For the appetizers we had “Leberwurst mit Kneckebrot und Zwieback” and a giant pretzel from the Grainharvest Bakery with butter or mustard.

For our main course we enjoyed “Sauerkraut, Oktoberfestwürstchen and Bockwurst mit Senf” (mustard). Other sides included “rote Beete” (beets) and “Gurkensalat” (cucumber salad), “Kartoffelsalat”, Perogies and “Kartoffelpfannkuchen”.

Which German meal would be complete without dessert (“Nachspeise”)? We enjoyed “Schwarzwälderkirschkuchen” (blackforest cake) and “Bananenschokoladekuchen”.

We learned about German etiquette at mealtime and how to use both knife and fork. We ate until we couldn’t fit in another spoonful! The desserts even had to wait to be eaten the next day during class.

Guten Appetit! Das schmeckt lecker!
Rosemarie Tossell, German Teacher
