A Quest for Great Art

Posted on: November 7th, 2013

12 art Each year our grade 12 art students travel to several major Canadian Museums in search of great art!

This October we had the opportunity to view the important exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto entitled Ai Wei Wei: According to What?  This notable artist Ai Wei Wei who is a prisoner in his own country, creates strong conceptual works that challenge and expose the government of China.

In stark contrast to the strong political activism of Ai Wei Wei, artist Dale Chihuly creates magical, whimsical installations in the special exhibition for the Musee des beaux-arts, Montreal entitled CHIHULY Fortunately the exhibition of this amazing installation of large scale, hand blown glass was extended at this venue so that our group was able to experience this once in a lifetime event.

In addition to the important special exhibitions, we always appreciate the fine permanent collections of the National Gallery of Canada.  New for us this year, we visited Rideau Hall,  learning  more about our own history, as well as the important collection of significant Canadian artists hung at the Governor General’s residence.

Our four day trip surrounded us with great art, delicious food, amazing company, and the best of memories…

Karen Scott Booth, Art Teacher
