Alumna has Outtatown adventure

Posted on: February 21st, 2014

IMG_7511Alumna Laura Carr-Pries (class of 2013), recently spoke in chapel about her experience with the Outtatown Discipleship School program offered through Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg.

Laura had an amazing life changing experience which took her well out of her comfort zone! This included travel in Manitoba, Quebec, Burkina Faso and France. She highly recommended the program to current Rockway students.

The adventure began with a wilderness canoe trip in Manitoba with fellow participants. The group then traveled to Quebec where they were able to practice their French while staying with francophone host families and participating in urban ministry. A highlight for Laura while in Montreal was bungee jumping!

Laura had an extraordinary experience in Burkina Faso, West Africa where she met many people, forged friendships and was immersed in a culture which emphasizes strong community relationships. Other highlights included a trip through the desert, holding the tail of a sacred crocodile and going on safari.

lauraCPTime was then spent in Paris with a Mennonite Brethren mission that is working with Muslim North African immigrants as well as doing the requisite sightseeing.

Laura’s travels culminated with a stay at the Taizé Community in Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France, which is an ecumenical monastery. Laura loved participating in this community and found their worship which is full of music and silent mediation very meaningful. “It was a reflective experience – a great way to end the trip.”

Laura says she is grateful for Rockway’s influence on her faith journey, in particular, how she was encouraged to develop a global perspective. Laura hopes to do more travel in the future.