Chapel Theme 2015: Grounded in the centre, Growing on the edges

Posted on: September 17th, 2015


On Thursday, September 10, Chapel coordinator, Janet Bauman and student Faith & Worship Committee chairperson, Laura Moolenbeek, introduced the chapel theme for the year, Grounded in the Centre, Growing on the Edges.

IMG_0770This year marks Rockway’s 70th year of faith based education. The chapel theme reflects the school’s strong foundation in God’s love, so clearly expressed in the life and teachings of Jesus. It also reflects the many ways Rockway has grown in creative, innovative and dynamic ways over the years. Through lively music, Scriptural texts, and visual images, chapel leaders have sought to lead everyone in exploring strong faith foundations, and growing edges.

Janet and Laura shared their own experiences of being “grounded” through the strength of Rockway’s community, and how they have been challenged to grow “on the edges” in new and creative ways. They encouraged everyone to consider their own foundations, and how they could grow and change in ways that creatively reflect God’s love for others.

Chapel ended with the memorable song, Will you come and follow me?, reminding all of us that when we choose to follow Jesus, we will “never be the same”.

You can read more about our chapel program here, or view this year’s chapel schedule on our main calendar.