Chapel Theme 2016: Piecing it Together

Posted on: September 8th, 2016


There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all.”
1 Corinthians 12:4

Today in chapel we had the opportunity to explore the chapel for the year: Piecing it Together: Finding Your Place in the Puzzle.  Here’s an excerpt from the morning:

“Piecing a puzzle is hard work. It doesn’t always make sense, at least not at the beginning. You need to search, to risk making mistakes, and keep trying to find the right fit. Life can feel a bit like piecing a puzzle. There are so many opportunities and different perspectives to consider. We search for and test out our identity, relationships, passions, interests and skills, just like we search for and test out different puzzle pieces.

20160908_085511_001We are part of many puzzles–family, friends, school community, and more widely in our local, national and global settings. While each individual piece is important, the pieces make the most sense when they are connected to other pieces to form a bigger picture. And sometimes it takes a while before that bigger picture emerges.

We are also working on the puzzle of what it means to follow Jesus in our modern day society and in our global community. What does a Jesus centred faith journey look like in a multi-cultural, multi-faith, dynamic Canada? What does a Jesus centred faith look like when we travel, serve and make friends with people across the globe? How does a Jesus centred faith respond to climate change, human conflicts, and violence?

20160908_085248Today, we want to focus on the puzzle we are creating here. We are all pieces of this puzzle called Rockway. Each of us has gifts that we bring that make this community more dynamic, diverse, colourful and interesting. Our community grows and deepens when we find ourselves connecting to pieces that are different from our own. And we begin to imagine and create a bigger picture, more meaningful than what we could have created alone.”

During this chapel, we were all invited to come forward and write a word or draw a symbol of one of our gifts on a piece of fabric. The pieces were then collected and will be pieced together in a creative way to represent our student body.


In this school year, we hope the image of a puzzle can help us imagine how diverse people with their many gifts can create meaningful connections and dynamic communities.