Chapel theme: Compassion – Drawing the Circle Wide

Posted on: September 2nd, 2022

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 -NIV

Every year, Rockway discerns a spiritual theme as a focus for our chapel program. Rockway strives to be a community where we foster responsible, globally minded, compassionate and reflective learners. This year our chapel theme focuses on the third goal or pillar – compassion.

Our scripture passage from Ephesians makes a clear link between compassion for one another and the compassion God has for us. Our intent is to “draw the circle wide” by living deeply in God’s compassion for all creation. Everyone belongs. Seeing through a lens of compassion asks us to remember with humility that we never really know what someone else is going through.

There is also a clear link between compassion and forgiveness. Forgiveness is a complex word that needs careful and nuanced understanding, but more and more research is showing that forgiveness can pave the way to better wellbeing for the one offering it.

Compassion is mentioned frequently in the Bible, and Jesus’ ministry is defined by concrete acts of compassion and forgiveness. We believe that following Jesus’ example of offering compassion can have a direct impact on our ability to see our common humanity. Jesus shows us that meeting people where they are with compassion can have a profound influence on how we respond to them. This lens is badly needed in a world that appears to have become more polarized recently.

Our chapel theme is intimately tied to our commitment as Mennonites to actively work for peace and restorative justice. Jesus’ call to compassion and forgiveness leads us to honour each individual, and choose “power with” instead of “power over” in all our relationships.

As we open ourselves to the invitation to “draw the circle wide” we will explore what it means to commit ourselves to showing compassion for ourselves, for each other, and our world.

Our theme is displayed on the wall outside of our Assembly area.

Students will be introduced to this theme in our first week, and we will explore it together throughout the year. It will also be the focus on our Spiritual Emphasis Week, held in October.