Delivering Excellence: Academic Program Review

Posted on: January 17th, 2016

IMG_20150930_103533Part of Rockway’s mission is to deliver rigorous academic programming to our students. This of course, requires vigilance and constant adaption as the needs of our students and the curriculum change with the times.

Currently, Rockway faculty have begun and intentional school-wide academic program and facility evaluation. This is a three year visioning process – where every department is given opportunity to do some broader self-evaluation and large-scale dreaming for their respective programs.

Most recently the math department had an opportunity to take a day for this process. As a team, they were able to identify areas where we would like to see improvements both to the facilities and the outcomes for our students as well as recognize the 20150924121209-2604504fareas that are being done well and the ways in which our students are well supported.

While visioning and self-evaluation can be tiring work, we feel they are essential in keeping Rockway’s programming fresh and forward thinking. The process will be spread over the next few years, allowing 2-3 departments per year an opportunity for some substantial dreaming!

We are eager to see the fruits of this process over the next few years as we begin implementing new initiatives across our programs.

Rob Klassen, Academic Program Review Chairperson