Food Drive brings out our best!

Posted on: December 21st, 2016

7s_fooddriveRockway’s Grade 7 class was buzzing with excitement as the students brainstormed ways they could raise a couple hundred dollars as quickly as possible.  It was the last day of the month-long Food Drive at Rockway and they were just shy of their ambitious class goal of $2400 dollars.

“Can you come back later for our donation?”, they pleaded.  The food items had already been picked up by the House of Friendship earlier that morning and this was the final round of collecting monetary donations from the homerooms.

Grade 7 students began collecting spare change, approaching teachers in the hallway and contacting  parents to see if there was any more water left in the well of generosity in a season when that well can quickly go dry!

It worked.  The Grade 7 class exceeded their goal!

fooddriveThey were not alone in their fervour for giving to the Food Drive in support of the House of Friendship Christmas Hamper Program.  We heard so many inspiring stories of students and parents going above and beyond. Rockway students and their families, as well as teachers, are outrageous givers!

Together they raised over $17, 000 in food and cash donations to support families in our region.

Student Council Co-Presidents, Jon Janzen and Max Bender, encouraged students by telling them that Rockway “plays a pivotal role in feeding those who are less fortunate in our region” due to the considerable amount we raise each year during our annual Food Drive.

Thank you Rockway students, teachers, friends and supporters for giving so generously to the House of Friendship, an organization who brings food, support and dignity to neighbours in our community!