We're going OFFLINE!

Posted on: February 23rd, 2015

IMG_0006_tipsOur schoolwide Tech TimeOut begins tomorrow, February 24th! Tuesday through Thursday at midnight, our students, teachers, and even Board of Directors are challenged to go SCREENFREE!

If you are taking the challenge, remember to tell friends and family that you’ll be offline, and to turn off your electronics when you go to bed tonight.

The main office will remain connected – please check the Rockway website in case of inclimate weather.

Student council has some fun activities planned to keep us busy without WIFI…board games, giant Dutch Blitz, and a TimeOut confession booth to capture our tech-free journey.

E-WASTE collection

The Environmental Concerns committee is planning an E-WASTE collection during the challenge – so bring in your dead electronics to ensure they are recycled and disposed of in the greenest possible way!


And for the bravest souls among us, students have the option of checking their phone into the Rockway “phone spa” where it will remain safe and secure for the duration of the challenge.

We’re looking forward to hearing stories of how the Timeout felt for students and their families.


Tech Time-Logo