Jr. High takes in Godspell

Posted on: October 24th, 2013

GodspellOn Wednesday, October 16th, the grade 7 and 8 classes attended the Drayton Production of Godspell at the St. Jacob’s Playhouse Theatre. Read two grade 7 students’ description of the event:

“It was an amazing production! The play had fantastic actors and actresses. They were all terrific singers and dancers.

Our favourite part of the show was the humour and acting. Not only were the characters funny, but this performance had excellent music and costumes. Another wonderful part of the musical was how they added many modern features, even though it was about biblical times.

This show was very interesting because it showed a unique interpretation of the Bible. The cast made their point and taught people about Jesus and his life and teachings, but at the same time, it was hilarious. We recommend this hit to everybody!”

Monika Czajkowski and Cate Justason, Grade 7 students