Living Library : Rockway Alumni "Books" Come to Life

Posted on: April 9th, 2016

What was your greatest challenge in transitioning from high school to university?
What if you don’t like the courses you are in after you choose them?
What advice would you give students planning to go to university or college?

These are just some of the questions that Gr 9 – 12 students asked of our guest “books” at the second annual Living Library that took place in the Rockway Library Commons on Thursday, March 31st.

20160401132334-cf25aa92The five living “books” were all recent Rockway grads and they came back prepared to share their stories of transition, their experiences of taking a gap year or going straight into post-secondary studies, living in residence, the challenges of college and university as well as the incredible highlights of their time after graduating high school.

In anticipation for this fabulous first-person, post-secondary research event, large head shots of the grads were hung in the library, an online sign up system was put in place, grad bios were posted on our website, chapel announcements were made and the Career Studies teacher was able to weave this event into the course curriculum for Gr 10 students.
20160401132343-c77683dfSenior students were encouraged to sign up individually or in small groups to meet with one of the following Rockway Alumni:

  • Lucas Bauman ‘13
  • Katie Gerber  ‘12
  • Alayne Gossen  ‘11
  • Kitty Yick  ‘11
  • Ryan Hebel ‘13

A huge debt of gratitude goes out to our alumni who generously gave of their time and experience.The feedback from both sides of the table was extremely positive and we can’t wait to see who’s coming for a visit next year!

Helmi Wiebe and Danette Adams
