Marine Biology Florida Keys Trip 2015

Posted on: June 23rd, 2015


This was my third time chaperoning the Rockway Marine Biology Trip to the Florida Keys,and it was by far the best wild marine life sighting trip ever! Some of our nature encounters were incredible and truly filled each of us with a sense of awe and wonder.

florida8The sea turtle hospital had always been exciting and interesting to visit, but this year, we got to watch first hand as the veterinarians removed a tumor from a turtle in the operating room. We also observed technicians working on turtles in the outside pools and administering antibiotics.

Snorkeling at Looe Key Reef was impressive – almost as soon as we got in the water, an eagle stingray made an appearance. Mr. Pauls estimated that it had a wing span of 5-6 feet! The sharks were also amazing – they seemed to be everywhere!  I had even managed to spot a bright green moray eel swimming just below me (and I didn’t freak out about it)!

florida1The most amazing part of the trip, however, was getting to swim with the manatees. Three adults and one baby manatee welcomed us on our first morning with one of the adults returning several times throughout the week. They were truly gentle giants – and many in our group got a chance to swim right along side of them!

A main objective of this educational adventure is to inspire our students – and in that regard, this trip was a glowing success. Rockway students came away with a strong sense that we share this earth with a multitude of incredible species and that’s it’s our calling to be good stewards of God’s most amazing creation. Thanks for another powerful experience with the Rockway community!

Jackie Fackoury, Chaperone