Peace, Be Still

Posted on: September 16th, 2014

Without Peters- Unrau

Our prayer chapel on Tuesday morning focused on a story from the gospel of Mark in which Jesus and his disciples leave the shore on a boat and soon encounter a storm. The disciples are fearful but Jesus calms the winds and the water with the words, “Peace, be still”.

During this interactive chapel, students were first invited to think about what familiar shorelines they are being asked to leave behind as they start this new school year. They then reflected on the winds and storms that are battering their lives now. As a response, they were invited to write one of their fears on a piece of paper and toss it into the “lake” as a way releasing it into God’s care. Finally, they were reminded that God is with them through these fearful times to calm them and bring peace to the stormy waters. Students left the chapel with a stone from the “shoreline” to remind them that God is with them always, even in their fears.

As a followup, our chapel speaker next Tuesday will address the fears we all hold and reflect on how God provides calm amidst our turbulent lives.

Written by Kathy Collins, Chapel Coordinator
