Rebuild project a success!

Posted on: June 19th, 2015

IMG_8490Jonah Boehm (driving the tractor) and his project partner Riley Sauer (partially hidden) celebrate the successful completion of their engine rebuild project on the Boehm family 1962 Simplicity garden tractor, while Ray and Joseph Boehm and teacher Don Dyck Steinmann look on.

In Grade 10 Transportation technology class, Jonah and Riley spent the past six weeks rebuilding the internal components of the worn out 9HP Briggs and Stratton engine.

Lots of hard work, patience and attention to detail were required, and when the engine finally roared to life on the second turn of the key, there were hoots and hollers of “Yeah! Yeah! We did it!!”

Well done guys!

Don Dyck Steinman, Technology teacher