Rockway alumnus makes the U of T Badminton team

Posted on: October 2nd, 2013


Congratulations to Jon Wong (class of 2013) who has been selected for the University of Toronto badminton team! He was one of 35 hopefuls, only six of whom made the team. He will be involved in 15 to 20 tournaments between now and March.

Jon says that the mental aspect of the game is quite similar to high-level high school, but that the physical demands of University caliber badminton are much much higher.

When Jon was at Rockway, he and his team mate Micah Brubaker-Zehr culminated an undefeated season in D8 and CWOSSA with Rockway’s first ever trip to badminton OFSAA.

You can see Jon play locally at the University of Waterloo Invitational early in March 2014.