Seder Meal at Rockway

Posted on: April 24th, 2015

IMG_6338Passover is the oldest and most important religious festival in Judaism, commemorating God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. However, there has been increasing interest among Christians in this ancient festival.

Our Grade 8 Religious Studies class studies the Exodus story and so it seemed fitting that we would participate in a Christian Seder meal as a way to remember the story and to experience a different form of worship.

Some of the students had been to a Christian Seder but for many of them, this was a new experience.


Kevin Peters Unrau, pastor at Hillcrest Mennonite church, facilitated this experience. Our classroom was transformed into a “dining room” where the students sat together at tables and shared scripture, food and drink.

The meal was led very deliberately as a Christian service yet there was also a deliberate attempt to preserve the spirit of the Jewish traditions and experience. This was a wonderful tradition for our Grade 8 students to experience on the day before their Easter break.

Kathy Collins, Grade 8 teacher