Senior Choir 2015 – a musical journey

Posted on: June 21st, 2015

This year, Senior Choir was a whirlwind of excitement with us attending numerous events and having wonderful experiences throughout the whole year.

Yet let’s first look back, to the very beginning of it all. We were a little rough at the beginning. Our first performance, at the Rockway Family Welcome and Dessert Night saw a real breakthrough in us as a choir. When it came time to sing, we all came together and delivered a wonderful performance to all present. It would the first time of many that we’d come together in this way to deliver an excellent end product.

Rockway-Choir-Carl-Zehr-Event-1Next, we were asked to perform at Mayor Carl Zehr’s retirement party where we then hit it out of the park! A very pleased audience gave us a huge round of applause! At Rockway’s Christmas Concert, we had a few small fumbles yet managed to push through and did well with the other choirs when we performed in the Mass Choir.

The choir continued to evolve; we did a number of church visits, and our grabbag of skills grew along with our knowledge. Then there came a string of very serious events and friendly competitions. We went to the OVF (Ontario Vocal Festival) where we sang before adjudicators and we marked. We sang Psalm 23 and managed to be invited to Nationals in Toronto.

choir2Then we journeyed far, to Goshen, Indiana for MSC Choir Festival 2015. The experience was incredible – the atmosphere felt so warm and inviting to us! Some Rockway choristers made connections with people from other choirs who had travelled across the United States to perform.

Finally, we had Nationals in Toronto at Victoria College, part of the University of Toronto. We performed with poise and power, and the reception was wonderful. The workshop afterwards was particularly amusing for us all. It has been a wonderful ride for all aboard.

Yes, Senior Choir, we had some laughs and now some tears at the departure of the Grade 12s. Yet next year will bring us a new batch of choristers and I for one, cannot wait for another journey together!

Harrison Edgar, Grade 11 
