Spiritual Emphasis Week Follow-Up

Posted on: October 29th, 2015

sewRockway Mennonite Collegiate welcomed Dr. Melissa Hofstetter to campus September 29 – October 1st for Spiritual Emphasis Week. The first chapel address, Living Inside-Out in God’s Upside-Down Kingdom, included biblical grounding for understanding emotional wholeness, and an introduction to mental health issues, such as anxious and depressive symptoms.  It also resourced faculty and staff with some “things to look out for” when a student could benefit from the attention of a mental health professional.

The second chapel address, Teen in Transformation: The amazing, changing brain, discussed some of the neuroscience behind adolescent development, along with the opportunities and challenges that this growth brings.

The final chapel address, From”I” to “We”: Shifting focus from illness to wellness in Christian community, proposed an ecological model of human development, integrating faith and mental wellness within the school environment that could provide students with layers of support for their optimal mental wellness. Following the final chapel, students were invited to share their thoughts and opinions at an open microphone. The questions asked were thoughtful and full of inquiry!

In addition to her three addresses, Dr. Hofstetter visited numerous classes and facilitated many conversations about mental wellness. As well, she facilitated a fruitful discussion with parents, youth pastors and faculty on Wednesday, September 30th at 7 p.m. about challenges teenagers face about mental health. We are grateful to the Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, who sponsored this evening session!

Thank you to Dr. Hofstetter for encouraging us to create a climate of mental wellness here at Rockway!

submitted by Ann L. Schultz, Principal

Spirtual Emphasis-Webslider

Below are some follow-up questions that Dr. Hofstetter suggested parents could use to further their thinking on this topic:

1) What are some of the stressors that your child currently faces in his or her day-to-day life?
2) Do they ever feel like their troubles are so tough that they don’t feel emotionally ready to do their daily activities – like going to school, work, or spending time with friends?
3) How comfortable is your family with talking together about issues relevant to mental health?
4) Who are the mental health professional that you trust when you or your adolescent are feeling emotionally distressed?
5) In what ways can the family, teachers, church, and the school community as a whole continue to support adolescents’ mental health?
6) Through its Spiritual Emphasis Week on Mental Wellness, Rockway has expressed its commitment to awareness of mental health. In what ways could your family continue to foster open and honest dialogue and education on mental health?