Welcome New Faculty!

Posted on: August 30th, 2014

The start of a new year is a time of new beginnings! We are pleased to welcome several new faculty members to the Rockway Community.


Josh_142x185We welcome back Josh Enns who is replacing Robyn Farlow as she continues her maternity leave. Mr. Enns comes with a love for math and science, alongside interest in peace and social justice issues. He will teach Grade 9 and 10 Math, Grade 11 and 12 College Math and Grade 9 and 11 Computer Studies.
Neveen_thumbMs. Neveen Antoun will be teaching Grade 9 and 10 Computer, Grade 11 Math, Grade 12 Data Management and Grade 12 Functions. She has taught at numerous schools including Appleby College and most recently Philopateer Christian College in Mississauga.
lisa_thumbMs. Liisa Kukk will fufill the role of Resource Center Coordinator until January 2015 upon which Ms. Bergsma Friesen will return from her leave. Ms. Kukk is a Special Education Specialist and has previously worked at St. John’s Kilmarnock in this role.
marianne butlerMs. Marianne Butler is no stranger at Rockway, as she has been teaching French Enrichment classes the last number of years. Ms. Butler looks forward to teaching the Grade 7 and 8 French classes as Tracey Matthews enjoys the birth of her new daughter, Stella, born in July!